
Friday, March 20, 2015

Welcome to Off The Beaten Tracks

We've all heard the mainstream albums out there.  You know the ones that dominate the radio and what used to be "M"TV.  Those are the albums that get played to death and ruined.  Everyone has heard them, even if they don't know who they are listening to.

This blog is going to look outside of that.  We may talk about popular bands, but we'll focus on an underappreciated recording if we do.  More likely, we'll look at fringe artists who had a small taste of popularity and the music they made.

But it's more than just the music.  We'll talk about who influenced these bands and who they influenced.  We'll talk about what was happening in the world at the time of the recordings and how they fit into the world.

As good as it would be to write this all down, and we will from time to time, this will be even better in podcast form.  Links will be coming once we get something recorded.  We aim to be at least monthly in our discussions, hopefully more frequently once we get rolling.

This will be pretty free form.  Just a group of people who love music talking about something they love.  We hope you enjoy the ride